Wednesday, February 26, 2014

February Group Meeting was Fun!

We had a good tim Monday night! Linda shared with us

Romans 15:13 - May the God of hope fill you 
with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, 
so that you may overflow with hope 
by the power of the Holy Spirit.

We brought in our blocks for the Ziska quilt. We have 20 blocks so far. We decided that 6x8 was too small, so for the sake of the pattern we're going to make it 8x10 - bring your blocks to the March group meeting! Here's the general idea:

Friendship Quilting Day was voted on for March, and officially moved to March 15th (instead of March 8th), which is totally appropriate, as March 15th is National Quilting Day!!

Val showed us how to do a quick pair of 9-patches! Don't know if I can type it up here... but it was quick and easy! Made 2 blocks... one with the darks on the outside, and one with them on the inside.


2014 UFO Challenge!

Several of us are going to choose 10 unfinished quilts that we'd like to get done this year. We've chosen and numbered them 1-10, and every month we'll draw a number and work on that numbered UFO! "Finished" means whatever you'd like it to mean. It can mean completely done and labeled, or work on one Block of the Month per month that you're behind on... or really anything goes! Not really just a bunch of rules... just trying to motivate each other and cheer each other on! Our number to work on this month:
You can do it!

Here are the pics of our Show and Tell... or you can click on the pics and see them bigger in Flickr.

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