Saturday, April 5, 2014

March Meeting

We had a fun time at quilt group!

Debbie & Diane

Linda shared a verse with us.

Psalm 57:7-11

New International Version (NIV)
My heart, O God, is steadfast,
    my heart is steadfast;
    I will sing and make music.
Awake, my soul!
    Awake, harp and lyre!
    I will awaken the dawn.
I will praise you, Lord, among the nations;
    I will sing of you among the peoples.
10 For great is your love, reaching to the heavens;
    your faithfulness reaches to the skies.
11 Be exalted, O God, above the heavens;
    let your glory be over all the earth.

Treasury report

- bank $359.39
- box $76.00
- total $435.39

Upcoming dates

- Friendship Quilting Day 4/12 - let's get the Ziska's top put together! We need more blocks, but we're close... we can do the rest at Friendship Quilting Day, and assemble the top!
- next quilt group meeting 4/28
- retreat 5/29-6/1 (full, but I can put you on the wait list if you'd like!)

April Birthdays

4/18 Gail Long
4/23 patsy jack
4/28 Sharon Allen

Comfort Quilts

- There is a clothing drop bin outside our Quilt Room door for Hearts and Home - a Christian thrift store in Bellevue.

- Baby quilt status - We've got a dedication coming up soon. Debbie has several quilts, and we added more to the stash tonight!

Missionary Quilts

We discussed the status of the Ziska's quilt. Also whether they all need to be made "together" or if individuals could make a quilt and we pray for it and send it on it's way. The only disadvantage to an individual making it is that we don't have the prayer time with it (I like to pray as I make blocks for the quilt). If we knew someone was working on one, we could "draw" the next missionary name and be praying while it's being made elsewhere!

Friendship Quilting Day will be 4/12 - and we'll work on their quilt that day. I've got a bunch of blocks cut out... just need assembled.

We also discussed keeping on making the Sugar Cubes blocks (like we're making for the Ziskas), but also, making nine patches out of 2.5" pieces as you have time or have squares. We'll have a nine-patch quilt in no time if we all make one a day! The block is made of 2.5" pieces... ending up measuring 6.5" - which comes out to 6" when finished. Have fun!

Quilts for Oso

Layers of Hope Quilting 911 is coordinating quilts to take to Oso victim families and to Responders. They need the first batch by April 19th. One of the drop points is in Burien at a knitting store (they take knitting and crocheting too), which I'm willing to deliver to. Just get me anything you may have very soon! We decided to send the blue and yellow string quilt? I'm going to send my Hawaiian. Kathy offered her pea pod kids' quilt. Their info is at:  I imagine with the good response they've had so far, that they'll need to make a second delivery.

We had two sets of Show and Tell: UFO's and regular Show and Tell.

Next month's UFO is # 1!

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