January Group was fun! We had some very unique show and tell's. One was this quilt that Jennifer is making with some friends. It's for the kids of a woman that passed away, made from some of her favorite clothes. They're actually making several - one for each child. Jennifer said it was a unique challenge, as the fabric isn't "normal" quilting fabric - t-shirts, jeans, etc. Really a neat memorial for those kids.
Anne received this really cool quilt from internet quilting friends. It's actually 2-sided because she has so many that care about her!
And the back - is this amazing?
Melanie made a couple of quilts for her daughters - really nice work!
and the other:
February group meeting was all about learning the string quilt process, and making some blocks! Apparently I was so enthralled by it all I forgot to take any pictures of us working. (Lame, I know.) Anyway, we had fun, got lots done, learned an easy way to use up on scraps!